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EYES 2024

6 september - 8 september

We warmly invite you to save the date for the upcoming European Young Endocrinologists & Scientists (EYES) Meeting held in Helsinki, Finland from September 6th to 8th, 2024.

The annual EYES meeting provides a unique forum for early career clinicians and scientists (<10 years post-PhD, post-specialisation, Masters/PhD student or a clinician in-training) in the field of endocrinology and diabetes.

Over the three-day event we will hear presentations from participants and experts covering topics such as classification and genetics of diabetes, PET imaging and MEN1 syndrome.

We encourage you to submit your abstract on original scientific research or clinical patient case reports on the following topics: Adrenal and Cardiovascular Endocrinology; Thyroid; Calcium and Bone; Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism; Interdisciplinary Endocrinology; Pituitary and Neuroendocrinology; Reproductive Endocrinology; Environment, Society and Governance.

An essential part of the EYES meetings is the opportunity to connect with colleagues from all around Europe. For this, we have put together an exciting social programme.

Registration fee for the meeting is 150€ and this covers accommodation, meals, and participation in the social programme.

You can find more information in the future on our website  and social media. Follow us on Instagram: EYESHelsinki2024 and X: EYESFinland2024

Local Organising Committee of EYES Meeting 2024

The EYES Committee is a working group within the European Endocrine Society (ESE) that oversees early career members’ affairs and connects aspiring endocrinologists to improve education and provide networking opportunities.

The ESE offers meeting grants to participate in the EYES meeting:


6 september
8 september
Evenemang Kategori:


Helsinki, Finland
Helsinki, Finland + Google Map


6 september
8 september
Evenemang Kategori:


Helsinki, Finland
Helsinki, Finland + Google Map